Morning Coffee Thoughts: Why We Can’t Say NO

In business, we waste so much time and resources, create unnecessary frustration, and destroy relationships because of our inability to say 'NO.'

And this doesn't just impact those of us early in our careers. This behavior is just as common among Sr. Directors and VPs as it is among Interns and Jr. Developers.

i see this in sales ALL. THE. TIME. A prospect may see that you aren't a good fit, but due to fear of conflict, the desire to please, uncertainty, or cultural norms, they don't verbalize it.

This leads to prolonged conversations, ghosting, and discomfort, all of which could be resolved quickly with a simple, honest 'NO.'

i'm not quite sure how to fix this, but i believe it must start with creating environments where people feel safe, trusted, and valued so they can embrace crucial conversations rather than avoid them.

i don't know man, are you all seeing something similar? If so, how do we address this? Do we even need to address this?

jason thompson

Jason Thompson is the CEO and co-founder of 33 Sticks, a boutique analytics company focused on helping businesses make human-centered decisions through data. He regularly speaks on topics related to data literacy and ethical analytics practices and is the co-author of the analytics children’s book ‘A is for Analytics’

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