Talented People Collaborate

It’s no fluke that the most talented among us are the most likely to collaborate. Talented people know the secret that the more you give, the more you receive. Unfortunately, those who are in the most need of collaboration, are the ones who fall into the trap that, “If only I can hoard all my knowledge, I will become indispensable.”  However, knowledge can not be hoarded, you can’t keep knowledge safe inside some sort of virtual Fort Knox. Knowledge is free and if you don’t share what you know, someone else will.

While talented people are collaborating with other talented people and in the process becoming more talented everyday, those who are protecting their knowledge are falling further behind, their knowledge becoming more and more outdated by the day.

You want to increase your talent? Start looking for more opportunities to collaborate with other talented people.

jason thompson

Jason Thompson is the CEO and co-founder of 33 Sticks, a boutique analytics company focused on helping businesses make human-centered decisions through data. He regularly speaks on topics related to data literacy and ethical analytics practices and is the co-author of the analytics children’s book ‘A is for Analytics’


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