Hippie CEO Life #46 - Haters Gonna Hate

February 24, 2023

“It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.“
—Chuck Palahniuk

Whenever you set out to build something new, you set an intention to excel at a new craft, you go all in on defending something you care deeply about, you should be prepared for the world to respond in a very predicable way.

And when i say “the world,” i’m talking about the general public, the market place you operate in, the social networks you engage with, i’m not talking about your close friends, not your family, not your supporters, not your loyal customers — that part of the world should be cherished and on your journey, you should often let them know how much you appreciate them as they are the rare supporters that will be there with you through all the ups and downs that come with climbing tall mountains.

But today let’s talk about the rest of the world. When you first get started and announce to the world that you are going on a new journey, you will find the world will not respect you. And fair enough, you just showed up, you just started, respect is earned. Keep climbing.

Then you start climbing, you start making a name for yourself, you start showing the world that you have skill and potential to truly be elite in this new endeavor. At this step the world is going to ignore you. This is the step, because there is so little positive reenforcement for what you are doing, that most people will quit. Don’t quit. Keep climbing.

You are now getting high on that mountain and you now have won the world’s respect, they embrace you, they want to join in your success, and they will cheer you on. After all the pain, after all the turned backs, you would think this step is the easiest but it’s not. The trap here is that you become comfortable, you allow yourself to get off balance with your new found celebrity. Enjoy the moment here but keep the praise in proper balance. Remember, they just ignored you right before they cheered you, you still have a long way to climb. Keep climbing.

You now are reaching the summit of this mountain you are climbing and the cheers have now changed to boos. Your success has triggered envy in the world and the world would love nothing more than to push you off the summit. Success will trigger envy, but don't let it hold you back from climbing higher because this is not the last summit you will conquer…as long as you keep climbing.


jason thompson

Jason Thompson is the CEO and co-founder of 33 Sticks, a boutique analytics company focused on helping businesses make human-centered decisions through data. He regularly speaks on topics related to data literacy and ethical analytics practices and is the co-author of the analytics children’s book ‘A is for Analytics’


Hippie CEO Life #45 - The Power of Mentoring